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Sharing is Caring

From building bridges and collecting tons of food to cleaning up local parks, Key Club members dedicate their energy to serving their communities. By participating in enriching service projects such as these, Key Club members ensure the world is a better place for future generations.

Project Fuzzy is a service project that provides handmade fleece tie-blankets to DOVE (Domestic Violence Shelter).  We make blankets of many different sizes and colors. So far we have made and donated over 75 blankets. 

Project Fuzzy

Crush Grams

Selling Crush Grams is our main fundraiser. The week of Valentines Day our club sells Crush soda in old fashioned glass bottles. They are adorned with ribbons and a paper heart that contains a message to the recipient. Clubbers deliver them on or as close to Valentines Day as possible. This year we have sold over 200 grush grams! We deliver to Wakefield, ironwood, and Hurley Schools. Happy Valentines!                                                

The Can Drive is our biggest service project. The whole High School is involved. Each grade competes against the others, trying to see who can bring in the most cans. It is EXTREMELY competitive. This year we had several Peace for Paris themed statues, along with a Christmas Tree, Sphinx, and Throne. The winners, Mrs. Waara's freshman English class, get a full breakfast hosted by Key Club, Second place, Mrs. Rowe's Adv. Math,  gets juice and donuts and 3rd gets juice and ganola bars. All cans collected go to the Ironwood Food Pantry. 

Can Drive

2015 Winning Class

Santa's Workshop

Santa's Workshop is a joint project with Kiwanis that allows low-income parents to supply their children with Christmas presents free of charge. It is based on store and individual donations. It is one of our favorite Christmas projects because it shows just how much people appreciate the time and effort, especially in the holiday season of giving. 

Yuda Braclets

Yuda Braclets is a project that many key clubs and kiwanis groups have undertaken. We buy braclets handmade by children in 3rd world countries and sell them here. They sell for $7 each with  all procedes going to help eduacate poor children and their families.

Christmas Talent Show

The Christmas Talent Show occurs in December and is for one and all to compete. Its a great way to spread christmas cheer and a chance for students[or faculty    ] to show off their talents to the student body.


Highway Cleanup

The Highway Cleanup project occurs in the spring. Key Clubbers around the world gather their trash bags and gloves and head out side to clean their highways and city roads. We walk U.S. 2 from the east side of Bessemer to the west and pick up any trash along the way. It is a great way to keep our community clean and healthy. 

Each year our club hosts a Blood Drive. Students, Teachers and the community comes to our school Library and donates blood. Donating is very important because you are helping others and you could also be saving a life. All  procedes go toward 2 scholarships awarded at random to 2 graduating Key Club Seniors.

Blood Drive

Coat Drive

Living in such a cold climate as we do, keeping warm is as necessary as food and water. So every year our club takes in coats (or sweaters) that owners have outgrown or have no use for. These coats are then delivered to the St. Vincent De Paul thrift store in Bessemer, where they can be given to those in need.  

The "miracle" of Christmas is repeated over and over again through the joy of caring and sharing. The traditional red kettle is an integral part of the Christmas scene, with millions of dollars donated each year to aid needy families, seniors, and the homeless. It is important and special to those that have nothing at christmas and it gives them hope and cheer. This year our club will be taking donations outside local business such Walmart and Kmart. 

Bell RinGing for salvation army

Get Carded is a project that gets local student to get library cards to the Bessemer Public Library. It promotes reading and larning to kids otherwise not able to get a library card.

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